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Tag: english

Brand new website – What are the changes?

Today is a big day for us. After 10 years of disputes, happiness, loyalty, memories … it was time to say goodbye to a good old friend. Well, now we can say it … He was getting old, slow and ugly. That was a must do! You understood it, our

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latest news subscribe update

AcyMailing 8 is out with a lot of new features!

4 min reading – Last update: January 23, 2023 Welcome to the world of AcyMailing 8! I’m sure a lot of you must’ve been waiting for this new version of the plugin to come out. Well, the wait is over. It’s time! 🕐 The new AcyMailing 8 update has arrived

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Create your newsletter templates simply with AcyMailing

AcyMailing is easy to use and suitable for users of all skill levels. If you want to create your newsletter templates or Email Marketing to your WordPress / Joomla site or improve your email marketing strategy, AcyMailing could be a good option to explore. Here are some tips for creating

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How to do SEO on Joomla

Today, we’re going to take a look at some of the best SEO tips for Joomla. We’ve worked with Joomla for many years and understand the challenges you might face when trying to optimize the articles and pages on your site. We’re happy to share what we’ve learned with you!

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AcyMailing e-mail Sending Service

What is an e-mail sending service? And why use it? Keep reading below to get the answers to your questions. 😉 📬 An e-mail sending service for Joomla and WordPress You’ve probably seen it already but we recently applied some changes to our AcyMailing Pricing page. For those who don’t

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MainWP icon

MainWP for WordPress : Website Management on Steroids

Managing a website is hard. Managing a WordPress website with 20+ plugins is even harder… but managing 20 such websites that are on different hosting servers and using different versions of WordPress and numerous themes is the hardest! What if there was a simpler solution to manage your business website(s)? Although

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Email guide

Why should you use a newsletter plugin?

5 min reading – Last update: November 25, 2022 Years after years numerous solutions have appeared in the newsletter and email marketing sector. Some of them are specific for Joomla and WordPress and some are built for all kinds of websites no matter its CMS, or its technology. We all

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