How to get a free AcyMailing license by becoming a content writer?
You may have seen it as you're currently reading this article on it but we've finally launched a blog! ?
A lot of good feedback have been received since it is online so let's continue this way!
Here are some contents you can share with us so that we can publish them on our blog:
- News about email / marketing / new products / new services
- Use cases
- Joomla / WordPress plugin tests
- Interview about your AcyMailing history (why do you use it? Which feature do you prefer? How AcyMailing helps you to grow your business)
- Tutorials
- Etc...
Obviously, we will grant you an editor account on our blog ?
How to get the AcyMailing free license?
Every month, you'll have to send us at least 2 articles.
Once we have received them we will do some checks to see if they could be published or if they need some improvements.
Then, every time you get 2 articles published on our blog, we will extend your license for one month.
Quite simple isn't it? ?
How to apply?
If you want to apply then simply send us an email to [email protected] with the subject : "AcyMailing Writer Application" with some information about you such as :
- Some lines about yourself
- The kind of articles you wish to write
- An example of an article you've written
- Everything else you want to tell us
We're waiting for you! ?