To attract new subscribers to your newsletter, a well-designed website is key factor. It offers to your audience a showcase of your personality by reflecting your authenticity and your boldness.
2022 is here and comes with new trends. Our team scrutinized the internet and determined the 4 main web design trends of this year to help you build the best website possible!
Let’s discover what are the 4 main trends for web design trend in 2022:
1) Colors are back, more than ever!
Minimalist and refined design are no longer the best solution for your website! 2022 will be a colorful year! Even if dark mode appeared on all social media in the last few years, websites seem to take the totally opposite direction. Pastel, Neon, Gradient, don’t hesitate to use color to make your website attractive, joyful and luminous.
2) Back to the basics
90’s are back everywhere and the internet is no exception. 2022 will be marked by the comeback of “old internet” design. If you are nostalgic of the old World Wide Web you should be pleased, retro-design is back! Illustration, basic forms, small line, this year, websites will look like your old high school textbook! Furthermore this trend is an excellent solution if you want your website to be faster and to have a better impact on the environment.
How does it looks? Check these sliders below!
3) Mobile responsive design
Do you want to see some web responsive design ideas? Check these websites!

4) Thypography
Are you looking for inspiration? Check these designs below!
To resume:
Now you know what are the 4 main trends of web design in 2022.
- Colorful websites
- Retro-design
- Mobile responsive
- Typographic design
The goal here is not to do each one of them on your website at once. It is to choose the trend you prefer and to apply it to your content. We hope that this article inspired you and gave you ideas of brand new design, to please your audience! 2022 seems to be the time to experiment!
Have fun!
read also : Best time and day to send email newsletters in 2023