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Tag: english

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AcyMailing 7.4 is out, what’s new?

Spring brings new features and improvements to your plugin. Discover now the features of this new release AcyMailing 7.4. Insert a subscription form from the Gutenberg editor ? Create subscription forms directly from your Gutenberg editor while editing a post or a page. You can customize all your form information:

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top 5 emailing best practices illustration

TOP 5 emailing best practices

Emailing is the first acquisition channel for SMEs and an essential marketing tool for marketers. It allows both attracting and retaining customers. In your marketing strategy, you should not overlook emailing. Using it correctly can allow you to achieve a high conversion rate, so convert prospects into customers. Email marketing

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Ultimate Member

How to use AcyMailing, our WordPress Newsletter plugin?

Need some help to use our AcyMailing plugin? Here is the ultimate guide to use AcyMailing on WordPress. AcyMailing is one of the best newsletter plugin for WordPress, it allows you to create, manage and send easily your newsletters from WordPress. This guide explains the steps and main features of

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woocommerce integration illustration

How to use WooCommerce with AcyMailing?

Would you like to sell your products on your website? WooCommerce is an open-source extension that allows you to create an online store. You can create an e-commerce website using WordPress whether you sell digital or physical products. This plugin is easily integrated into your newsletters thanks to the AcyMailing

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Newsletter Contact form 7 pour WordPress

Vous souhaitez rester en contact avec vos utilisateurs et leur envoyer des nouvelles de votre activité, de vos nouveaux produits ou de vos événements ? Une bonne stratégie marketing commence par donner à vos utilisateurs WordPress la possibilité de s’abonner à vos newsletters. Il existe plusieurs façons de permettre à

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Amazon SES SMTP for WordPress

When it comes to sending mass emails on WordPress you may ask yourself: What is the most efficient and easiest way to do it? There are a lot of solutions but you can separate them into 2 kinds: external server (SMTP) or your own server. Since hosting services don’t always

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How to create a newsletter on WordPress?

Every year, billions of emails are sent around the world. In 2020, 319 billion emails were sent and more than 3.9 users were registered (Statista). Marketing emails are widely used in the communication strategies of companies. Indeed, the newsletters allow to inform, to create loyalty and to create a link

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latest news subscribe update

AcyMailing 7.2 is out, what’s new?

AcyMailing 7.2 is out ! Small features and improvements come in your plugin. A new external mailing service: Amazon SES ? Last month, several external email services were added to AcyMailing: Sendinblue, Mailgun, SendGrid and Postmark. Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) has now been added to the list. More multilingual

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latest news subscribe update

AcyMailing 7.3 is out, what’s new?

AcyMailing developers did their best again this month. Many features, improvements and bugs have been updated. Here are the latest features to our AcyMailing 7.3 release. Non-transactional emails with Sendinblue ?  Sendinblue allows you to send two types of emails: Transactional emails (email for registration confirmation, order confirmation…) Non-transactional emails (newsletters,

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