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Category: Best practices

email marketing statistics

Email Marketing Statistics: Key Insights for 2023

Email marketing is crucial for businesses. However, staying updated with the latest email marketing trends and stats is important to yield better results. In this blog, we will be breaking down some of the top email marketing statistics and key insights for 2023 and beyond. Let’s dive in! Email Marketing

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acycheker blog

Email Checker – AcyChecker

✅ Why should you use a email checker? Nowadays, emailing has more than 3.9 billion active users worldwide. More and more users are signing up to newsletters on websites. This practice has become common practice for companies and allows them to inform and retain their customers thanks to a properly

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email marketing campaign

Types of email marketing campaigns

Email marketing campaigns have become an indispensable part of any company’s digital marketing strategy. It is a way to directly communicate with potential and existing customers through their respective email addresses. This method is highly effective, as it gives companies the ability to personalize the content that they disseminate to

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avoiding mistakes

Avoiding Mistakes in Your Marketing Strategy

Are you looking for ways to assess and evaluate your goals when it comes to marketing strategy? Then you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re looking to implement a low vs high context marketing strategy, or initiate a dramatically shifted market pricing strategy, the goal is to be able

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Ideas of template

Template : the best marketplace email marketing

Welcome to the world of AcyMailing’s new template website, where email marketing & newsletter digital marketing just got a whole lot easier! With AcyMailing‘s marketplace email marketing platform, you no longer have to worry about spending countless hours creating and sending out emails to your subscribers.  But wait, what is

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maximizing email deliverability

Maximizing Email Deliverability: Tips and Tricks 2024

Email marketing deliverability There are expected to be over 4.4 billion email users worldwide by 2023, representing an increase of over 300 million users. Moreover, it is estimated that over 347 billion emails will be sent and received every day in 2023. So you can imagine the importance of email

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tips to send email newsletter

Best Time and Day to Send Email Newsletters in 2023

Hey there, fellow email marketer! Are you struggling to figure out the best time and day to send your email newsletters?  We feel you. It’s an eternal challenge to get your emails opened, let alone actually read and clicked on. But don’t fret, we are here to help you navigate

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What’s blockchain and how to make it with your business?

10 min reading – Last update: May 31 2023 Dive into the revolutionary realm of blockchain technology and its potential to reshape marketing strategies. This article explores the definition, workings, and pros/cons of blockchain, focusing on its impact in business marketing. Uncover how it enhances transparency, security, and cost-effectiveness. Gain

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businessman with tablet

Email marketing : increase your conversion rate best practice

Email marketing has become an essential part of businesses marketing strategies to connect with their customers and prospects. It is a cost-effective way to communicate with the audience and drive sales. If you are an e-commerce business owner, you have a small business  or a medium business, you probably understand

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email marketing trends

TOP 11 Email Marketing trends in 2023 

10 min reading – Last update: June 05, 2023 If you’re looking for the latest email trends for 2023, look no further! We’ve compiled for you the top 11 email marketing trends that will help you make your email marketing unforgettable. First of all, interactive emails will become more and

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