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AcyMailing 6.5.0 is out, what’s new?

Unlock your emailing powers

Design newsletter or marketing campaigns easily with all our tools. Created in 2009, AcyMailing is the most robust and affordable solution on the market.

A new AcyMailing version is available! Check the new features below ??

AcyMailing add-ons

You've waited for it for so long but the wait is now over ?
A lot of new integrations have been added (for Joomla and WordPress).
Kind of amazing internal plugin system.
So what to do?

  • See which integrations are available
  • Install them
  • Enjoy them

Send a test while you're editing your template/campaign

You can now send tests from the editor page. This will prevent you from wasting time and you know it... time is money ?

UX Improvements

Some changes on these pages:

  • Template selection
  • Lists
  • Many more...

Have you done anything else? For sure!

  • 10+ new integrations
  • Archive selection (you can now select newsletters to display based on a specific list)
  • Many other improvements, check our change log for more information ?


Need a new integration? Have an amazing idea? Drop us an email! ?